
Agenda Item 49


Subject:                    Member Questions


Date of meeting:    12 August 2024



A maximum period of fifteen minutes in total shall be made available at each meeting of the Executive for questions from Members of the Council.

The questions included on the list of questions referred to above shall be taken as read at the Cabinet meeting. The question will be answered either orally or at the discretion of the Chair by a written answer circulated after the meeting. Officers may assist the Leader or a Cabinet Member with technical answers to questions. No supplementary questions shall be permitted.


The following written questions have been received from Members:


(1)          Councillor Shanks


What attempts has the council made to obtain private finance including sponsorship for Madeira terraces for this or future works? 


(2)          Councillor Shanks


Will the next phase of development be re-examined, including consultation across the city for alternative ideas for the remaining arches, including from the private sector, before continuing on what may be an un-sustainable path?